A Free Virtual Diabetes & Obesity Conference at Targetmeeting.com featuring 60+ live presentations from academic and industry experts around the world. The 15 sessions (60+ oral presentations), which will be spread over three days will discuss Clinical Obesity, Obesity Basic Research, Preventive Diabetes Medicine, Clinical Diabetes, Diabetes Basic Research, and many more. Attendees can earn the free Certificates of Attendance. Computer and internet connection are required. Do not need any special equipment or software. It is a great opportunity to learn about recent advances in diabetes & obesity research and clinic without travel and money cost. All the attendees just connect to the online conference's server to participate in real time with their distinguished counterparts from across the globe. They can participate from their home or office depending on their convenience, which will save them the trouble of traveling and in utilizing their time optimally. According to Target Meeting, you don't need to have any fancy and special equipment to participate and exchange views. A good Internet connection and a headphone is all that is required.

Keynote & Featured Speakers (60+) include:

Terri H Lipman, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, Miriam Stirl Endowed Term Professor of Nutrition, Professor of Nursing of Children, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, USA.

Gwen V. Childs, Ph.D., FAAA, Professor and Chair, Department of Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA.

Anil K. Mandal, M.B., B.S., Courtesy Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Consultant in Nephrology, North East Florida Area Hospitals, Medical Specialists, USA.

Bonnie Gance-Cleveland, PhD, RNC, PNP, FAAN, Loretta C. Ford Endowed Chair, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA.

Farid Saad, Professor, Global Medical Affairs, Andrology, c/o Bayer Pharma AG, D-13342 Berlin, Germany.

R. Kyle Palmer, Ph.D., CSO, COO, Opertech Bio, Inc., Korman Research Pavilion, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, USA.

Maria Letizia Iabichella, Head, Helios Med Onlus, International Health Cooperation, Italy.

Luigi Uccioli, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.

Nakhoul Farid, Professor, Head of Nephrology & Hypertension Division, Israel. Sandeep Kumar Vashist, Ph.D., Head of Immunodiagnostics, Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V. (HSG-IMIT), Germany.

Carlo Maria Ferdinando Caravaggi, Professor, University Vita Salute San Raffaele Milan Italy, Diabetic Foot Clinic, Istituto Clinico Città Studi, Italy.

Ahmad Agil, Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Neurosciences Institute, School of Medicine, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Shmuel (Boris) Levit, M.D., Ph.D. Head of diabetes institute in Petah Tiqwa, Maccabi Health Fund; Head of diabetes service, North - Shomron region - Meuhedet Health Fund. Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Sheba Medical Center; Tel - Aviv. Israel.

Mohammad Reza Movahed, Professor of Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, USA.

Mark B Zimering, MD, PHD, Chief, Endocrinology, Department of Veterans Affairs New Jersey Healthcare System, USA.

Joel Fuhrman, Board - certified family physician, best-selling author and nutritional researcher who specialize in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods, USA.

Amjad H. Wyne, BDS, BSc, MDS, FASDC, FADI, Professor, Director, Postgraduate Program in Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, King Saud University College of Dentistry, Saudi Arabia.

Fawad Javed, Eng. A.B. Research Chair for Growth Factors & Bone Regeneration College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Umesh Dashora, MD, FRCP, MD, Consultant (Endocrinology and Diabetes), Chair, Medical Division, SAS Tutor, Career support Lead, Endocrinology and Diabetes Lead and Senior Lecturer (BSMS), Conquest Hospital, UK.

Noël C. Barengo, MD, PhD, MPH, adjunct professor in Public Health at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Thomas A. Narsete, M.D., Austin Personal Surgeons, Top Plastic Surgeon 2013, International Association of Plastic Surgeons, USA.

Geoffrey Arden, Professor, City University London, London, UK.

View all speaker profiles, visit www.targetmeeting.com

Researchers, medical professionals, and other diabetes & obesity related people can enjoy many benefits by participating in the 3rd World Diabetes & Obesity Online Conference. They can know, learn and follow up on major developments taking place in the areas of interest. You can have the rare privilege of meeting the best international speakers and world-renowned researchers in real time. You can have that much-needed opportunity of networking and exchanging views with the target audience directly.

Participants get a worldwide platform to express their opinions and ideas. With their experience and expertise, they can build a solid reputation and create a tremendous and lasting impact on the community. The 3rd World Diabetes & Obesity Online Conference can create new opportunities for the leading medical professionals and can help them establish new associations with fellow researchers or clinicians.

According to Target Meeting, all presentations and discussions happen in real time. Importantly, they save the participants the hassle of travel; help them use their valuable time effectively and save money. Participants can ask questions, discuss problems, and exchange their ideas using an online platform. The conference presents them the ultimate opportunity to discuss their proposals and initiatives with global experts, something that perhaps would not have been possible using other methods of communication or correspondence.

Target Meeting is a leading online life science conference organizer. Thousands of international speakers and ten thousands of attendees participated in the online symposiums and conferences at Target Meeting. With the persistent efforts, the organizers have achieved a well-respected reputation among the attendees and within life science community, based on the quality of organizers, speakers and scientific programs, as well as excellent attendee experience. They have a solid record of having created outstanding opportunities for scientists to share their latest research and in inspiring breakthrough ideas. The conferences are a great way to establish and maintain professional relationships with the best brains in medical science.

Sign up early to secure your seat, please visit www.targetmeeting.com.

Upcoming Online Conferences at Target Meeting

  • September 16-18, 2013, TM's 3rd world cardiovascular online conference.
  • September 19-21, 2013, TM's 3rd world diabetes & obesity online conference.
  • October 15-17, 2013, TM's 3rd world drug discovery online conference.
  • November 12-14, 2013, TM's 1st world surgery online conference.
  • December 10-12, 2013, TM's 2nd world diagnosis online conference.

And many more...

William Smith
Target Meeting
Williams (@) targetmeeting dot com
Address: Belliare, TX, 77401, USA