Some research suggests that collagen peptides and protein powder may help with weight loss. However, they may not be suitable for everyone, and further research is necessary to establish suitable supplement dosages.

Collagen peptides are pieces of collagen protein that are small enough for the gut to absorb. People may take them to try and improve their skin and joint health.

Protein powders are derived from milk, eggs, or plants. People usually take protein powder to help build muscle and improve athletic performance.

A protein shake in a glass next to some protein powder.-1Share on Pinterest
Anna Tabakova/Stocksy

Research suggests that protein powder and collagen peptides can assist with weight loss in people with overweight and obesity. However, further research is necessary to establish whether one is better at promoting weight loss.

The following sections outline some of this research:

Protein powder for weight loss

A 2020 review suggests dietary protein may promote weight loss by increasing energy expenditure and feelings of satiety. The authors suggest a high protein diet may also help prevent people from regaining weight after a period of weight loss.

A 2018 study investigated the effects of a high protein diet on weight loss and other health markers in older females with overweight or obesity who were participating in a resistance exercise program.

After 14 weeks, participants following the high protein diet showed significantly greater reductions in the following:

  • weight
  • fat mass
  • body fat percentage
  • waist circumference

A small 2017 pilot study investigated the effects of low sugar, high protein, nutrient-rich shakes on weight loss and cardiometabolic risk factors in people with excess weight.

After 13 weeks, those receiving a lifestyle modification program and protein shakes showed greater decreases in the following:

Collagen peptides for weight loss

There is comparatively little research into the effectiveness of collagen peptides to aid weight loss.

However, a 2023 randomized controlled trial investigated whether a 12-week course of collagen peptide supplementation had a beneficial effect on body fat management in adults over 50 years.

Of the 74 participants, the 37 people receiving the supplement showed a significant reduction in total body fat mass than the 37 individuals in a placebo group.

They also showed reductions in total body fat percentage compared with their baseline percentage at the start of the experiment.

The study authors concluded that collagen peptide supplementation had a beneficial effect on body fat reduction in older adults.

Most of the above studies investigating the effectiveness of protein powder or collagen peptides as a weight loss aid took place over 12 to 14 weeks.

However, the time it will take a person to achieve their desired weight may depend on multiple factors. Factors that can affect weight and weight loss include:

Proteins break down into amino acids, which enable tissue growth and repair.

Protein powder may have the following effects on the body:

  • promoting satiety
  • increasing hunger-inhibiting hormones
  • increasing energy expenditure
  • helping prevent weight regain following weight loss
  • aiding in muscle repair and recovery following exercise

Collagen is a type of protein made up of amino acids. It provides structural support to various connective tissues, such as the skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments.

Collagen peptides are pieces of collagen that are small enough for the gut to absorb. When collagen enters the bloodstream, the body’s tissues can use it.

Most protein powders are made from a milk by-product called whey, though several other varieties are available. People may take whey protein to help improve muscle strength and athletic performance.

People may take collagen peptides for the following reasons:

Collagen peptides and whey protein may not be suitable for everyone.

Collagen peptides

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve the safety or efficacy of all supplements before they reach the consumer.

That said, researchers generally consider collagen peptides to be safe, with studies reporting no adverse effects even at high doses, such as 60 grams daily.

There is not enough evidence to determine whether collagen peptides are suitable for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, so a doctor may recommend avoiding collagen peptides during these times.

Protein powder

Whey protein is unsuitable for people with a cow’s milk allergy. Although it is safe for most adults, a 2023 review and 2024 narrative review outline the following potential side effects:

There is not enough evidence to determine whether whey protein is suitable for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, so a doctor may recommend avoiding whey protein during these times.

People taking medications or supplements should talk with their doctor before taking collagen peptides or protein powder.

A doctor can advise whether it is safe to take these proteins and the most appropriate dose.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides the following tips for losing weight:

  • make a specific plan, which may involve writing down intentions or goals
  • exercise regularly
  • ensure good nutrition
  • aim to lose weight at a gradual, steady pace, such as around 1 to 2 pounds per week
  • get enough sleep
  • keep a food journal
  • set realistic, specific, and forgiving goals
  • seek information and support

Can someone take collagen peptides and protein powder together?

To date, no clinical research studies have investigated the effects of taking collagen peptides and protein powder together.

However, people should note that both supplements are forms of protein. They may want to consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure they consume a safe and optimal amount of protein.

Can someone substitute collagen for protein powder in baking?

Whether or not someone can substitute collagen peptides for protein powder may depend on the recipe they follow.

Some recipes state that collagen powder and protein powder have different textures and are not interchangeable when baking. However, others may report success when substituting collagen powder for protein powder.

Which is better: collagen peptides or protein powder?

There is currently not enough research to determine whether collagen peptides or protein powder is more effective at promoting weight loss.

Some research suggests that collagen peptides and protein powder may help with weight loss, though more studies are necessary to support these claims and identify appropriate supplement dosages.

Collagen peptides and protein powder appear generally safe for most people. However, they may be unsuitable for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding or have allergies to any of the ingredients.

Certain forms of protein powder may also interact with some medications. Anyone looking to add either supplement to their diet should speak with a healthcare professional first.