While Celtic sea salt contains trace amounts of healthy minerals, experts agree that, from a health perspective, sea and table salt do not differ significantly.

Although salt is essential for good health, too much sodium from salt can lead to health complications.

Celtic sea salt contains similar amounts of sodium to other types of salt, and excessive consumption may increase a person’s risk of health issues such as high blood pressure, stroke, and kidney disease.

This article evaluates the proposed benefits of Celtic sea salt.

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A saltwater estuary containing Celtic sea salt. -3Share on Pinterest
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Celtic sea salt is a variety and a brand of sea salt. Despite its name, harvesters mostly gather Celtic sea salt from seawater estuaries in Guérande, a town in France.

Manufacturers do not excessively process Celtic sea salt. Therefore, it retains trace amounts of healthy nutrients, including minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

Health and wellness influencers on social media have popularized adding Celtic sea salt to drinking water, claiming it can increase hydration. However, research may not support these claims.

One claim is that increasing salt intake can make a person feel more thirsty, encouraging them to drink more water. However, research suggests that despite popular beliefs, an increase in salt intake does not necessarily improve fluid consumption or hydration.

Another claim is that the magnesium and other electrolytes in the Celtic sea salt can help improve water absorption and balance electrolytes in the body.

However, water and electrolyte balances are part of a complex regulatory system in the body. Adding a pinch of Celtic sea salt to water may not have a significant effect on these balances.

Additionally, people do not typically require additional electrolytes to improve hydration. Additional electrolytes in water may be beneficial for people who:

However, Celtic sea salt may not provide significant hydration benefits for people with electrolyte imbalances. Minimal amounts of electrolytes are present in Celtic sea salt, which may not be enough to affect the body’s electrolyte balance.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a person can easily obtain the magnesium and other minerals present in sea salt from other, more healthful sources. For example, fruits and vegetables provide electrolytes without increasing sodium intake.

The AHA notes that most sea salts do not offer any significant health benefits.

Excess salt can contribute to water retention, which can lead to bloating, weight gain, and other health issues.

Celtic sea salt also contains high levels of sodium. According to the AHA, a diet high in sodium may contribute to health issues, such as:

Although Celtic sea salt may not offer significant health benefits compared to other salts, a person can use them in other ways.

Other ways to use Celtic sea salt include:

  • Seasoning foods: Celtic sea salt has a distinctive, complex flavor. A person can use it to season various foods.
  • Preserving foods: Celtic sea salt can act as a preservative to cure meats and pickle vegetables.
  • Salt baths: People can add salt to their bath water, which may have health benefits and promote relaxation.
  • Salt body scrub: A salt scrub can help remove coarse, dry skin. Individuals can mix sea salt with natural oils and other ingredients to create a body scrub.

Harvesters gather sea salt that is left behind when seawater evaporates.

Other types of salt come from different sources and methods of production.

Common salt types include:

  • Table salt: Manufacturers mine table salt from salt deposits and process the product into fine crystals. Table salt is a combination of the minerals sodium and chloride. Manufacturers also typically add iodine, which helps prevent goiter.
  • Kosher salt: Manufacturers mine kosher salt from salt deposits. Kosher salt crystals are coarse and large. It does not contain additional iodine and undergoes less processing than table salt.
  • Pink Himalayan salt: Pink Himalayan salt is a coarse salt with large crystals. Harvesters gather it from a salt mine near the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan. The salt contains sodium chloride and trace minerals and does not usually contain additional iodine.

Below are the answers to some common questions about Celtic sea salt.

Is Celtic salt better than Himalayan salt?

Sea salts, such as Celtic sea salt, contain similar amounts of sodium as Himalayan and other varieties of salt. Celtic salt is not significantly healthier than other types of salt.

Depending on their preference, a person may prefer the taste of either salt.

How much Celtic salt should I put in my water?

Various social media influencers suggest adding a pinch of Celtic sea salt to water. However, this has no scientifically proven benefits.

Which salt is better for high blood pressure?

All types of salt are high in sodium, and excessive consumption of any can contribute to high blood pressure.

No type of salt is better for high blood pressure. A person concerned about high blood pressure may want to limit their consumption of all types of salt.

What is the healthiest salt in the world?

All types of salt contain similar levels of sodium, which can contribute to health issues if a person consumes them in excess.

Although sea salt contains trace minerals and undergoes less processing, it does not contain additional iodine. Iodine in table salt helps prevent health issues such as goiter.

According to the AHA, there are no significant health differences between common types of salt.

Some social media influencers promote adding Celtic sea salt to drinking water to improve hydration. However, research does not support its efficacy.

A person can obtain larger amounts of the electrolytes present in Celtic sea salt from healthier food sources, such as fruits and vegetables.

Excessive salt consumption may also contribute to health issues.