Dementia is one of the first conditions to have been given social care quality standards by the renamed National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) today (Wednesday 3 April 2013). The standards include a set of 10 statements for care homes and services to follow in order to maintain the mental and physical health and wellbeing of people with dementia. The standards range from people with dementia being given choice and control in decisions affecting their care through to being enabled to take part in activities based on their individual interests.

Alzheimer's Society comment:

'There are 800,000 people living with dementia in the UK, many of whom rely on some form of social care. Whilst many people receive excellent quality care, too often standards are falling short and people are being denied the quality of life they deserve. It's a welcome step that NICE are recognising the need to raise standards and have prioritised dementia as needing a benchmark for what good quality care should look like.

'These standards will be a useful tool for the care sector and show what people with dementia and carers should be able to expect. But, as they are not mandatory, it's a case of wait and see as to whether this guidance will drive real change or just sit on the shelf.'