Perlegen Sciences, which develops genetic tests that correlate genetic variation to disease risk and drug response, announced today that its BREVAGen™ breast cancer risk stratification test is now clinically available in select U.S. markets. Perlegen plans to add sales areas to make the test available nationwide over the next few months.

Perlegen designed the BREVAGen™ test to provide a better assessment of breast cancer risk for women whose clinical history puts them at intermediate risk of developing the disease. From a blood sample, the test detects the absence or presence of certain common genetic variations (single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs) associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, then combines an analysis of these SNPs with factors from the patient's clinical history to deliver actionable results for five-year and lifetime risk.

"Perlegen is proud to offer the BREVAGen™ test as an enhancement to the current standard in breast cancer risk evaluation," said Bryan Walser, MD, CEO of Perlegen. "Developed from our studies of genetic and clinical data from tens of thousands of women, the BREVAGen™ test will give physicians a valuable tool for assessing an individual woman's risk of developing breast cancer and recommending appropriate next steps. We look forward to seeing the test implemented, both immediately to give physicians and patients more clarity as they consider additional screening options or prophylactic anti-estrogen drugs for breast cancer prevention, and ultimately to save lives and better allocate medical resources."

Physicians may order the BREVAGen™ test for their patients by contacting Perlegen Customer Service at 650-625-4625 or Patients interested in learning more about the BREVAGen™ test may contact Perlegen or refer their physicians to Perlegen.

About BREVAGen™

The BREVAGen™ breast cancer risk stratification test (formerly MammaPLUS™) is a novel genetic test panel that examines a patient's blood sample to detect the absence or presence of certain common genetic variations (SNPs) associated with an increased risk for developing breast cancer. The test is designed to help physicians assess aggregate breast cancer risk from these genetic markers, plus factors from a standard clinical assessment based on a patient's family and personal history, thus giving a clearer picture of an individual woman's risk of developing breast cancer. The BREVAGen™ test may be especially useful for women at intermediate risk of developing breast cancer, including those who have undergone breast biopsies, as the test will provide information that can help physicians recommend alternative courses of action, such as more vigilant, targeted surveillance or preventive therapy, on a patient-by-patient basis. For more information about the BREVAGen™ test, visit

Perlegen Sciences