The potential health benefits of grapes include helping boost heart health, managing blood pressure, protecting the eyes, and preventing health conditions such as cancer and constipation.

Grapes and grape products include red, green, and purple grapes, seedless grapes, grape jelly, jam and juice, raisins, currents, sultanas, and wine.

People produce around 75 million tons of grapes each year worldwide, around half of which goes into wine production. This popular fruit is rich in polyphenols, which may offer certain health benefits.

This article explains the main benefits of grapes, including nutrition and tips for including grapes in the diet.

Fast facts about grapes

  • The nutrients in grapes may help protect against cancer, eye problems, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions.
  • Resveratrol is a key nutrient in grapes that may offer health benefits.
  • Grapes are a good source of fiber, potassium, and a range of vitamins and other minerals.
  • Grapes are suitable for people with diabetes as long as people include them in their diet plan.
Someone harvesting red grapes off the vine.-2Share on Pinterest
Aubrie LeGault/Stocksy

A 2021 review highlights that people have been eating and using grapes for as many as 6,000 years. Throughout history, people have believed grapes contain healing properties.

Research associates a diet rich in fruits and vegetables with a lower risk of certain conditions, such as:

Like other fruits and vegetables, grapes are a good source of fiber and water. They contain antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that can benefit health, although more research is necessary to confirm some of these benefits.

1) Slowing or preventing cancer

Grapes contain polyphenols, which predominantly occur the skin and seeds of grapes. A 2022 paper suggests proanthocyanidins, a type of polyphenol, may protect against the following types of cancer:

Resveratrol is another type of polyphenol, mainly found in red grape skins. According to a 2023 review, resveratrol can block all stages of cancer formation, among other benefits.

Resveratrol is also present in red wine. Some research in the 2023 review suggested red wine may have benefits such as reducing colorectal cancer risk. However, more research, particularly studies involving humans, is necessary to explore this.

According to a 2023 systematic review, moderate red wine consumption may have a beneficial effect on certain cancers, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer.

However, the review’s authors highlight that higher levels of red wine consumption may cause adverse effects.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans define a moderate intake as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.

2) Protecting heart health

Research suggests the bioactive compounds in grapes can help to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease.

A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis concludes that supplementing grape seed extract into the diet may benefit people who are at risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because it may lower heart rate and blood pressure levels.

A small 2020 randomized control trial investigated the effects of grape seed extract on heart health in obese males. The results suggested that grape seed extract could significantly reduce cardiac output in obese males.

Polyphenols in grapes, such as quercetin and resveratrol, contain antioxidant properties, which may help to protect against cardiovascular disease and risk factors.

Grape seed oil also contains linoleic acid, which research suggests supports heart health in animal models.

Grapes contain potassium, which can contribute to heart health by helping with blood pressure management and counteracting the effects of sodium. People can speak with a healthcare professional to learn if they are getting enough potassium.

3) Managing blood pressure

Increasing potassium intake may help people manage their blood pressure. The amount of potassium in grapes varies depending on the variety and form:

TypePotassium per 100 grams (g)
green seedless grapes218 milligrams (mg)
red seedless grapes229 mg
purple grape juice from concentrate50 mg
white grape juice from concentrate49 mg

Although some research suggests that grapes and grape products may have a blood pressure-lowering effect, more research is necessary to investigate the extent of this.

4) Relieving constipation

Grapes contain water and fiber. These can help people stay hydrated, keep bowel movements regular, and reduce the risk of constipation.

Research suggests that total fruit intake can influence the symptoms of functional constipation by affecting:

However, further research specific to grapes and constipation is necessary.

5) Relieving atopic dermatitis

A 2022 study on mice suggests grape antioxidants may benefit certain skin conditions, including atopic dermatitis. This may be because grape polyphenols have anti-inflammatory effects.

However, more research is necessary to investigate this, particularly on human models.

6) Diabetes

Research from 2022 suggests a higher intake of fresh fruit may have protective benefits against type 2 diabetes in people with normal glucose tolerance. However, this benefit did not occur among prediabetes populations.

A 2023 meta-analysis also found that higher fruit intake reduced fasting blood glucose concentration in people with diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association lists grapes as a good way to satisfy a sweet tooth without consuming added sugar, as long as people count the carbohydrate amount in their meal plan.

7) Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of diabetes that can damage eyesight and may cause blindness.

A 2021 narrative review highlights research suggesting resveratrol may help to stop or slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy in animal models.

Certain polyphenols in grape seed extract may also help to improve diabetic retinopathy severity.

8) Protecting eye health

A 2022 review suggests resveratrol contains anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties that can benefit eye tissues. Some eye conditions it may benefit or help to protect against include:

However, more research is necessary to investigate the extent of these benefits in a lot of these conditions — particularly research using human models.

9) Treating acne

A 2021 study suggests that resveratrol may have a beneficial role in acne treatment due to its sebosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects.

However, further research is necessary to investigate these potential benefits.

10) Other conditions

Other health conditions grapes may benefit include:

However, future clinical trials are necessary to explore and confirm these potential benefits.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of red or green grapes contains the following nutrients:

Red seedless grapesGreen seedless grapes
Water78.2 g79.9 g
Protein0.91 g0.9 g
Total sugars17.3 g16.1 g
Calcium10 mg10 mg
Iron0.16 mg0.2 mg
Magnesium8.6 mg7.1 mg
Phosphorus25 mg22 mg
Potassium229 mg218 mg
Sodium7 mg3 mg
Vitamin C3.3 mg3 mg

Grapes are available year-round. Select grapes that are tight to the touch and free of wrinkles. Store them in the refrigerator to prolong freshness and wash them before eating.

The best way to eat grapes is as a fresh fruit. Grape products, such as jellies, spreads, and juices, may have added sugars, which are less beneficial for overall health.

Here are some handy tips for incorporating more grapes into the diet:

  • Slice grapes in half and add them to a chicken salad.
  • Make a fruit cocktail with fresh grapes, pineapple, sliced peaches, and strawberries.
  • Freeze grapes and eat them as a snack or dessert on a hot day.
  • Have a cup of fresh grapes for a quick, low calorie snack.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) produces a list each year of fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of pesticide residue, known as the Dirty Dozen. Grapes are number 4 on 2024’s list. Buying organic grapes can reduce the risk of pesticide exposure.

People may also need to be wary of consuming too many grapes if they are on certain medications.

For example, doctors may prescribe beta blockers for certain heart diseases. These medications can cause potassium levels to increase in the blood. People who use beta blockers should may need to moderate their potassium intake.

People who use blood-thinning medications should speak with their doctor before consuming large quantities of grapes. Resveratrol may increase the anticoagulant action of these drugs, increasing the risk of bruising and bleeding.

Consuming too much potassium can be harmful to people whose kidneys are not fully functional. If the kidneys cannot remove excess potassium from the blood, this can be fatal.

When drinking wine, the USDA recommends women drink no more than one drink a day and men no more than two.

People should also avoid including grapes in their diet if they are allergic to grapes. People can speak with a healthcare professional if they have any concerns about eating grapes.

Both red and green grapes contain polyphenols, such as resveratrol, that may benefit health. These polyphenols are usually more prominent in the skins and seeds of grapes.

Some of these polyphenols are available in supplement form, but whole grapes also include other benefits, such as fiber, water, and certain vitamins.

People can include fresh grapes in their diet as part of meals or as a tasty, healthful snack.